Ardra is the 6th Nakshatra located in the sign of Gemini, it’s the bright star Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice) in the Constellation of Orion.  This is a very stormy area of the sky located in the East direction, visible now in the night sky. Orion’s Belt is always easy to locate, the 3 stars in a row vertically (now) in the sky. It’s symbol is a teardrop letting us know the sorrow that is usually associated with this constellation.  The ruling planet is Rahu, animal symbol is a female dog, it’s quality is rajasic ( firey & desiring)and it’s Deity is Rudra, the lord of the storm!  Rudra is an ancient form of Shiva from the Rig Veda, it’s his original incarnation.  Just as a storm releases tension the transformative nature of Rudra works on releasing attachments and purifying our hearts.  This is usually very painful process but for our soul very important for growth.  Always step out of the present and tap into the vastness of your soul, this is just another stop along the journey of refinement.  It’s really not about any particular moment or lifetime. The purifying and nourishing power of the rains wash away impurities and feed the possibilities for new life.  So a destruction and renewal theme is present here.   Themes of Death, Pain and Suffering are very present in this constellation and if you have any planets in your chart located here, the house they are in will show you where these themes can be felt.

Ardra means “the moist one” and is described as green, fresh, soft and wet. A deep feeling nature and passionate thinking is experienced here along with strong wild passions and instincts.  Frustration can be a common feeling if we are unable to harness these emotions and channel it and be creative, much like an artist experiences.  So as this moon reaches its fullness and Soma is at its peak, on December 29th @10:29pm , it is a perfect time look at the destruction of the last year, within you and outside of you, and focus on the things that symbolize renewal to you. Allowing some things to continue to destruct and deciding which will be renewed and re-written now in a way that serves you better.  This is an opportunity to redesign the life you’ve always dreamed of.  Just because it doesn’t feel like an inspiring place to start from ( the destruction) doesn’t mean that it’s not going to be a successful outcome.  Look at the lotus flower, she reminds us that all good things start in the dark and we have the Festival of Imbolc coming up January 31st to help plant those seeds deeply.  I hope you will join me for our Imbolc Fire Ceremony, please be sure to DM me your email so I can send you the details.

The Cold Moon (the Full Moon associated with the Winter Solstice) is the name of the December Full Moon depicting the long nights and harsh conditions of winter that start to creep in this time of year!  This full moon will sit above the horizon for an extended period of time so be sure to look to the East at Sunset on this evening to witness the Majestic Moon Rise.  

I debated on whether I should return to making Full Moon Triple Goddess Cream under this asterism as Ardra is linked to many natural disasters, catastrophes and acts of war, etc., for example: 9/11, Haiti Earthquake, Hurricane Katrina, Tsunami in Thailand and many others took place under this Nakshatra, but I also recognize the need to welcome destruction and renewal in terms of 2020 so it feels right on a personal level and also global.  So excited to be back at it since the Summer Solstice.  The last time the Full Moon stationed here was December 30th 2017.  It’s always informative to look back to that time and see what that brought for you, what was the energy like?  What was happening in your life at that time?  It may give you clues as to what may present itself.  I will say that on a more general level we can expect high levels of emotion, fighting and eruptions of all kinds.

I have had my own life changing experience with Ardra as my Sun is located here and during my Sun Dasha (planetary ruling period) I completely self-destructed to almost death, it was the darkest of the dark, only to emerge like a Phoenix from its ashes at the end of it, which happened to land on January 4th 2002.  Thank Goddess that’s the shortest Dasha, lasting only 6yrs🙏🏼.  I have been free ever since!  And, this has also been the greatest triumph and gift of my life.  Because without that Awakening, I wouldn’t have anything in my life that I have today.  

With my Sun (the Father) located here in Ardra it also reflects the difficult relationship that I had with my father, a real toe to toe relationship, Irish in its form in every way, lol!  We struggled a good bit (laughed a lot too) but the last couple years of his life we made deep peace.🙏🏼 This is a big deal in a family culture that doesn’t speak much and when they do it’s never about feelings, lol. It was an interesting time for me, I was ascending on so many levels, spiritually expanding beyond what I thought was possible and at the same time helping him die and using my tools to assist him.  Yoga Nidra and deep journeying provided the space he needed to do the astral work in a semi-conscious way.  I still cry thinking of that beautiful time I was gifted with him.  The closet I have ever felt to god and eternity🙏🏼 besides the moment of releasing babies from my womb! 

He was my greatest teacher (and still is), and the things I was triggered by in him are also the wounds that I carry and we share.  It was easy for me to see them in him because I also posses them... Spot It, You Got It!  It Never Fails, look deeply at your judgement as they reveal more about you than the other person!  This is probably the greatest teaching I took away from the 12 step recovery process.  I understand him more and more as I work with my shadow, blown away by what is constantly being revealed.  So you see, yes, this is a difficult and painfully destructive Nakshatra but it has given me the greatest gift of Self Knowledge and you can’t buy that, only if you’re lucky you will find a pure teacher to show you the way, but even then, it’s all you.  I share these experiences with Ardra so that you may feel the silver lining in the work being requested of humanity at this time.

I will honor my father this full moon (as it’s the moon cycle that he crossed over during (1/15/11) as I chant the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra( death conquering Mantra) while creating the Triple Goddess Cream this full moon.  The same mantra I recited for hours before and after he passed to help him on his journey.  I was fortunate enough to be with him when he took his last breath and my ears rang for 4hrs after, the loudest silence I have ever experienced...the Spirit of Death!  She announced her arrival just 3 days before by dropping a feather on our front step.  It was then I knew that the time had come. Have you ever held space for death?  This was my 2nd time, the first was with my uncle (his brother) who initiated me into the Death mysteries at 18yrs old.  That’s a whole other story🤣 for another time!  Having attended 4 births (two my own and my first at 12yrs old) and 2 deaths I can honestly say there is no connection or beauty that transcends these two incredible thresholds.  I am a natural Gatekeeper for both and feel very at home and comfortable in these in-between places.🙏🏼. 

My intention as I write this and make the cream this full moon is that you recognize what is destructive within you so that you may rise in renewal this coming year🌕🔮🌕.   Let that shit GO!!!!  There is so much life waiting on the other side.

Sending love and patience to you all during this day.

Warm Wishes


Image by Astro Vikalp

Danielle Jarecha