Festival Of Holi

March 28, 2021 @ 2:49pm EST

The Full Moon is occurring in Hasta Nakshatra on March 28, 2021 @ 2:49pm EST.  Hasta is a star located entirely within the sign of Virgo and is ruled by Savitar, the Sun God, who imparts creative and transforming energy. He also aids in childbirth.  Hasta means hand and the shakti of this Nakshatra is sthapanya agama, which means to place in your hand that which you desire.  This Nakshatra is all about action and getting what you want.  Virgo is ruled by Mercury and the Moon rules Hasta Nakshatra so there is a more refined mind here and a purity of thought and deed experienced along with self-control.  

The last time the moon was full in Hasta was 3/31/19, Good Friday.  I was in Ireland spending the day traveling around the Boinne Valley experiencing the sacred sights of Newgrange, Howth and Hill of Tara.  That day, after sitting with what is known to be the oldest Sheela Ne Gig, I closely encountered a Raven and it circles me 3 times.  The winds kicked up and I felt like I was on a Merry Go Round, it was wild,  This occurred right after I spread my Dad’s ashes on the mound at the Stone of Destiny.  On a clear day you can see all 5 counties from this vantage point.  This held great significance for me as my first close encounter with a Raven was at dawn 2 yrs prior on Mt. Shasta after I had just written something profound in my journal.  Something that I had just been admitting to myself for the first time.  That one sentence would change the entire course of my life. 

The Raven landed within 2 ft of me and gazed deeply into my eyes, a crystalline transmission that is still impossible to describe in words to this day.  During that visit in Shasta over my 40th birthday, I received clear guidance on what I needed to do and clear messages from those that remain unseen.  I left there with a big “to do” list. The 2yrs in between encounters were filled with Sade Sati (Saturn) induced chaos due to the decisions I knew I needed to make for myself that were going to leave others very unhappy.  This was work that I had feared for years, work that I really didn’t want to do, BUT I did and she showed up again to tell me it was complete.  

On that journey in Ireland I encountered the same beings that came to me in Shasta, showing me in the physical realm all that they had showed me while astral journeying in Shasta. I had come full circle and the Morrigan was the gatekeeper and the guide.  She held my hand and placed a sword in my other hand showing me that our dharma is worth fighting for.  She taught me how to stand in my truth, how to not apologize for who I was, how to fight like a warrioress and journey through utter darkness and not only just get through it but embody the dignity and fearlessness that is necessary to navigate it and ultimately conquer it!  Awakening to completion under the frequencies of that full moon in Hasta held so much symbolism for me because it showed me that I truly could have anything I desired placed in my hand if I was willing to do the work.

Virgo is the sign of the Zodiac that has to do with healing and it is also symbolized by the Virgin, giving hints of femininity and purity, think of the energy and frequency of Mother Mary.  Practices like yoga, meditation and any methods of self-mastery are highlighted in this sign.  Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury, a planet associated with the element of Air so we see a refined mind with the desire to experience the higher mind.  The Moon’s influence on Hasta brings a Watery element encouraging us to follow our intuition even though there is great push for mental activity.

Two things really stand out to me as I look at the chart for this full moon.  The first is the close conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Taurus and the other is the close conjunction of the Sun and Venus in Pisces.  A conjunction is when two planets come in close contact with each other, overlap and then pass each other.  Mars and Rahu are now beginning to separate after an intense close conjunction this last week.  The further apart they get the less their effect is felt.  Mars is the planet of action and war and Rahu is never satisfied, always wanting more so when they come together there can be intense energies experienced like anger and upheaval.

Now for the other important conjunction this cycle, possibly most important. The Sun and Venus were at an exact conjunction (11 degrees 40 minutes) at 2:29am on 3/26.  After that Venus began it’s passing of the Sun.  Each year Venus journeys through this cycle that lasts 584 days, known as a Synodic Cycle which is the time period it takes from the conjunction of two planets to it’s next conjunction.  In this case with Venus she spends 263 days as the morning star, 50 days invisible because it is lost in the Sun’s rays, 263 days as the Evening Star and then 8 days absent from the sky before emerging as the Morning Star.  It takes 1yr and 7 months for her to complete this cycle.  So right now she is in the Underworld and will emerge in the evening sky on April 30th.  

The symbolism here is that everything Venus represents (beauty, romance, creativity, procreation) will not be outwardly expressed or felt, there will be a bit of a shadow on these things.  The Sun’s rays will drown them out.  How amazing that she re- emerges on Beltane Eve just in time to celebrate our sexuality and creativity.  What a grand entrance she will make…

Friday April 30, 2021 I will be returning to hosting my “in person”  Beltane Fire Ceremony at my home.  I will be sending more details by the New Moon but for now just wanted to send a save the date.  This will be an outdoor fire ritual in Druidic Tradition honoring the Hawthorne Tree, the Element of Fire, Crafting Anointing oils, Sheela Ne Gig and much much more. 

Today we also celebrate the Festival of Holi in India, also know as the Festival of Colors, celebrating the arrival of Spring and the Harvests to come. Happy Holi to my family and friends.

Wishing you a creative and expansive Full Moon!!!



Danielle Jarecha